Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Proof

Here is my proof of how much snow we got today. It hasn't stopped snowing all day. As of this picture, we have about 11 inches, and it is wet and heavy. This measurement was taken in the driveway while I was trying to shovel. Anyone want to go with me to Hawaii! I am tired of all this snow.


  1. We are snowed in today too! Aaron has been snowblowing the driveway for about 1 hour 12 min. now and still going! Thank goodness they cancelled enrichment tonight....yay! Let it snow!

  2. Oh sick! That's incredible. I heard on the radio today that we have had the dryest month in history from Jan. 15 - Feb. 15. It has hardly rained and although it's cold, we've had many partly sunny days. They said all the moisture is passing us and heading to California and the Rockies so....you're welcome!

  3. Wow that is pretty. Im envious but I live in GA and we hardly get snow...send some here if you wish...but on a weekend pls. lol

    sherry in GA
