Monday, May 4, 2009

I've been excited for good weather so I can plant flowers and get the yard shaped up. We have done a lot of trimming, as you can see from the "sticks" left in the above picture. We trimmed these bushes way back and there is not much left. I think we may need to take them out and put in new ones. The old ones were over grown. My problem right now is the weather. It keeps raining so I can't be outside. Therefore, the yard is at a stand still. I am praying for good weather soon.

1 comment:

  1. that is what my brother did. we had these gaint brushes and then he trimmed them so there was no more green and it didnt grow back so we tied a rope around them & pulled them out w/ a car. it was funny:D
    i will pray for good weather for you too
